
    Provides methods for managing directories and their content.

    class DirAccess

    This class is used to manage directories and their content, even outside of the project folder.

    DirAccess can’t be instantiated directly. Instead it is created with a static method that takes a path for which it will be opened.

    Most of the methods have a static alternative that can be used without creating a DirAccess. Static methods only support absolute paths (including res:// and user://).

    Here is an example on how to iterate through the files of a directory:


    Citizens in SwiftGodot


    • protocol CustomStringConvertible

      A type with a customized textual representation.

    • protocol Equatable

      A type that can be compared for value equality.

    • protocol Hashable

      A type that can be hashed into a Hasher to produce an integer hash value.

    • protocol Identifiable<ID>

      A class of types whose instances hold the value of an entity with stable identity.

    • protocol VariantRepresentable

      Types that conform to VariantRepresentable can be stored directly in Variant with no conversion. These include all of the Variant types from Godot (for example GString, Rect, Plane), Godot objects (those that subclass SwiftGodot.Object) as well as the built-in Swift types UInt8, Int64 and Double.

    • protocol VariantStorable

      Types that conform to VariantStorable can be stored in a Variant and can be extracted back out of a Variant.

    Type members

    Instance members