
    enum MouseFilter


    • case stop

      The control will receive mouse movement input events and mouse button input events if clicked on through _guiInput(event:). And the control will receive the [signal mouse_entered] and [signal mouse_exited] signals. These events are automatically marked as handled, and they will not propagate further to other controls. This also results in blocking signals in other controls.

    • case pass

      The control will receive mouse movement input events and mouse button input events if clicked on through _guiInput(event:). And the control will receive the [signal mouse_entered] and [signal mouse_exited] signals. If this control does not handle the event, the parent control (if any) will be considered, and so on until there is no more parent control to potentially handle it. This also allows signals to fire in other controls. If no control handled it, the event will be passed to _shortcutInput(event:) for further processing.

    • case ignore

      The control will not receive mouse movement input events and mouse button input events if clicked on through _guiInput(event:). The control will also not receive the [signal mouse_entered] nor [signal mouse_exited] signals. This will not block other controls from receiving these events or firing the signals. Ignored events will not be handled automatically.

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