
    enum CursorShape


    • case arrow

      Show the system’s arrow mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Use with mouseDefaultCursorShape.

    • case ibeam

      Show the system’s I-beam mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The I-beam pointer has a shape similar to “I”. It tells the user they can highlight or insert text.

    • case pointingHand

      Show the system’s pointing hand mouse cursor when the user hovers the node.

    • case cross

      Show the system’s cross mouse cursor when the user hovers the node.

    • case wait

      Show the system’s wait mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often an hourglass.

    • case busy

      Show the system’s busy mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often an arrow with a small hourglass.

    • case drag

      Show the system’s drag mouse cursor, often a closed fist or a cross symbol, when the user hovers the node. It tells the user they’re currently dragging an item, like a node in the Scene dock.

    • case canDrop

      Show the system’s drop mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. It can be an open hand. It tells the user they can drop an item they’re currently grabbing, like a node in the Scene dock.

    • case forbidden

      Show the system’s forbidden mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often a crossed circle.

    • case vsize

      Show the system’s vertical resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double-headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically.

    • case hsize

      Show the system’s horizontal resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double-headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally.

    • case bdiagsize

      Show the system’s window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically.

    • case fdiagsize

      Show the system’s window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of .cursorBdiagsize. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically.

    • case move

      Show the system’s move mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. It shows 2 double-headed arrows at a 90 degree angle. It tells the user they can move a UI element freely.

    • case vsplit

      Show the system’s vertical split mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. On Windows, it’s the same as .cursorVsize.

    • case hsplit

      Show the system’s horizontal split mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. On Windows, it’s the same as .cursorHsize.

    • case help

      Show the system’s help mouse cursor when the user hovers the node, a question mark.

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