
    enum CodeCompletionLocation


    • case local

      The option is local to the location of the code completion query - e.g. a local variable. Subsequent value of location represent options from the outer class, the exact value represent how far they are (in terms of inner classes).

    • case parentMask

      The option is from the containing class or a parent class, relative to the location of the code completion query. Perform a bitwise OR with the class depth (e.g. 0 for the local class, 1 for the parent, 2 for the grandparent, etc) to store the depth of an option in the class or a parent class.

    • case otherUserCode

      The option is from user code which is not local and not in a derived class (e.g. Autoload Singletons).

    • case other

      The option is from other engine code, not covered by the other enum constants - e.g. built-in classes.

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