
    Draws an unfilled arc between the given angles with a uniform color and width and optional antialiasing (supported only for positive width). The larger the value of pointCount, the smoother the curve. See also drawCircle(position:radius:color:).

    final func drawArc(center: Vector2, radius: Double, startAngle: Double, endAngle: Double, pointCount: Int32, color: Color, width: Double = -1.0, antialiased: Bool = false)

    If width is negative, it will be ignored and the arc will be drawn using RenderingServer/PrimitiveType/primitiveLineStrip. This means that when the CanvasItem is scaled, the arc will remain thin. If this behavior is not desired, then pass a positive width like 1.0.

    The arc is drawn from startAngle towards the value of endAngle so in clockwise direction if start_angle < end_angle and counter-clockwise otherwise. Passing the same angles but in reversed order will produce the same arc. If absolute difference of startAngle and endAngle is greater than @GDScript.TAU radians, then a full circle arc is drawn (i.e. arc will not overlap itself).

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