Enumeration Casemigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
Texture specifying per-pixel flowmap direction for use with anisotropy
case flowmap
Other cases
case albedo
Texture specifying per-pixel color.
case metallic
Texture specifying per-pixel metallic value.
case roughness
Texture specifying per-pixel roughness value.
case emission
Texture specifying per-pixel emission color.
case normal
Texture specifying per-pixel normal vector.
case rim
Texture specifying per-pixel rim value.
case clearcoat
Texture specifying per-pixel clearcoat value.
case ambientOcclusion
Texture specifying per-pixel ambient occlusion value.
case heightmap
Texture specifying per-pixel height.
case subsurfaceScattering
Texture specifying per-pixel subsurface scattering.
case subsurfaceTransmittance
Texture specifying per-pixel transmittance for subsurface scattering.
case backlight
Texture specifying per-pixel backlight color.
case refraction
Texture specifying per-pixel refraction strength.
case detailMask
Texture specifying per-pixel detail mask blending value.
case detailAlbedo
Texture specifying per-pixel detail color.
case detailNormal
Texture specifying per-pixel detail normal.
case orm
Texture holding ambient occlusion, roughness, and metallic.
case max
Represents the size of the