
    Use UV2 coordinates to look up from the aoTexture.

    case aoOnUv2

    Other cases

    • case disableDepthTest

      Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others drawn before it. This puts the object in the transparent draw pass where it is sorted based on distance to camera. Objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it. This also disables writing to depth.

    • case albedoFromVertexColor

      Set ALBEDO to the per-vertex color specified in the mesh.

    • case srgbVertexColor

      Vertex colors are considered to be stored in sRGB color space and are converted to linear color space during rendering. See also vertexColorIsSrgb.

    • case usePointSize

      Uses point size to alter the size of primitive points. Also changes the albedo texture lookup to use POINT_COORD instead of UV.

    • case fixedSize

      Object is scaled by depth so that it always appears the same size on screen.

    • case billboardKeepScale

      Shader will keep the scale set for the mesh. Otherwise the scale is lost when billboarding. Only applies when billboardMode is .billboardEnabled.

    • case uv1UseTriplanar

      Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV.

    • case uv2UseTriplanar

      Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV2.

    • case uv1UseWorldTriplanar

      Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV.

    • case uv2UseWorldTriplanar

      Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV2.

    • case emissionOnUv2

      Use UV2 coordinates to look up from the emissionTexture.

    • case albedoTextureForceSrgb

      Forces the shader to convert albedo from sRGB space to linear space. See also albedoTextureForceSrgb.

    • case dontReceiveShadows

      Disables receiving shadows from other objects.

    • case disableAmbientLight

      Disables receiving ambient light.

    • case useShadowToOpacity

      Enables the shadow to opacity feature.

    • case useTextureRepeat

      Enables the texture to repeat when UV coordinates are outside the 0-1 range. If using one of the linear filtering modes, this can result in artifacts at the edges of a texture when the sampler filters across the edges of the texture.

    • case invertHeightmap

      Invert values read from a depth texture to convert them to height values (heightmap).

    • case subsurfaceModeSkin

      Enables the skin mode for subsurface scattering which is used to improve the look of subsurface scattering when used for human skin.

    • case particleTrailsMode

      Enables parts of the shader required for GPUParticles3D trails to function. This also requires using a mesh with appropriate skinning, such as RibbonTrailMesh or TubeTrailMesh. Enabling this feature outside of materials used in GPUParticles3D meshes will break material rendering.

    • case albedoTextureMsdf

      Enables multichannel signed distance field rendering shader.

    • case disableFog

      Disables receiving depth-based or volumetric fog.

    • case max

      Represents the size of the Flags enum.