
    enum TrackType


    • case value

      Value tracks set values in node properties, but only those which can be interpolated. For 3D position/rotation/scale, using the dedicated .typePosition3d, .typeRotation3d and .typeScale3d track types instead of .typeValue is recommended for performance reasons.

    • case position3d

      3D position track (values are stored in Vector3s).

    • case rotation3d

      3D rotation track (values are stored in Quaternions).

    • case scale3d

      3D scale track (values are stored in Vector3s).

    • case blendShape

      Blend shape track.

    • case method

      Method tracks call functions with given arguments per key.

    • case bezier

      Bezier tracks are used to interpolate a value using custom curves. They can also be used to animate sub-properties of vectors and colors (e.g. alpha value of a Color).

    • case audio

      Audio tracks are used to play an audio stream with either type of AudioStreamPlayer. The stream can be trimmed and previewed in the animation.

    • case animation

      Animation tracks play animations in other AnimationPlayer nodes.

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