
The FileDescriptor struct is used to perform low-level file operations.
struct FileDescriptor

Example: Open and read an ASCII file

import SwiftIO

// Open the file located in "/subDir/hello.txt"
if let file = try?"/SD:/subDir/hello.txt") {
    //Initialize a buffer to store the reading bytes.
    var buffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(byteCount: 10, alignment: 4)

    do {
        // Read bytes into the buffer
        try buffer)

        // Print the reding bytes.
        for i in 0..<buffer.count {
    } catch {
        print("Unexpected error: \(error).")

while true {
   sleep(ms: 1000)

Opening a File

Reading from a file

  • read(into:count:)-1e6cm
  • read(into:count:)-3x3lj
  • read(fromAbsoluteOffest:into:count:)-6abp2
  • read(fromAbsoluteOffest:into:count:)-k2ts

Writing to a file

  • func write(String) throws

    Writes the contents of a string at the current file offset.

  • write(_:count:)-8l97n
  • write(_:count:)-2p42a
  • write(toAbsoluteOffset:_:count:)-42r4g
  • write(toAbsoluteOffset:_:count:)-7r2v8

Closing a File

Changing a File’s Offset