Invalid argument.
static var invalidArgument: Errno { get }
One or more of the specified arguments wasn’t valid; for example, specifying an undefined signal to a signal or kill function.
The corresponding C error is EINVAL
Invalid argument.
static var invalidArgument: Errno { get }
One or more of the specified arguments wasn’t valid; for example, specifying an undefined signal to a signal or kill function.
The corresponding C error is EINVAL
import SwiftIO
The SwiftIO library allows you to access and control the hardware in an easy way.
struct Errno
The Errno struct lists all the possible errors.
init(_ raw: Int)
init(_ raw: CInt)
init(rawValue: CInt)
Creates a strongly typed error number from a raw C error number.
static var addressFamilyNotSupported: Errno { get }
The address family isn’t supported by the protocol family.
static var addressInUse: Errno { get }
Address already in use.
static var addressNotAvailable: Errno { get }
Can’t assign the requested address.
static var addressRequired: Errno { get }
Destination address required.
static var alreadyInProcess: Errno { get }
Operation already in progress.
static var argListTooLong: Errno { get }
The argument list is too long.
static var badAddress: Errno { get }
Bad address.
static var badFileDescriptor: Errno { get }
Bad file descriptor.
static var badMessage: Errno { get }
Bad message.
static var brokenPipe: Errno { get }
Broken pipe.
static var canceled: Errno { get }
Operation canceled.
static var connectionAbort: Errno { get }
Software caused a connection abort.
static var connectionRefused: Errno { get }
Connection refused.
static var connectionReset: Errno { get }
Connection reset by peer.
static var deadlock: Errno { get }
Resource deadlock avoided.
static var directoryNotEmpty: Errno { get }
Directory not empty.
static var execFormatError: Errno { get }
Executable format error.
static var fileExists: Errno { get }
File exists.
static var fileNameTooLong: Errno { get }
The file name is too long.
static var fileTooLarge: Errno { get }
The file is too large.
static var hostIsDown: Errno { get }
The host is down.
static var illegalByteSequence: Errno { get }
Illegal byte sequence.
static var illegalSeek: Errno { get }
Illegal seek.
static var improperLink: Errno { get }
Improper link.
static var inappropriateIOCTLForDevice: Errno { get }
Inappropriate control function.
static var interrupted: Errno { get }
Interrupted function call.
static var ioError: Errno { get }
Input/output error.
static var isDirectory: Errno { get }
Is a directory.
static var messageTooLong: Errno { get }
Message too long.
static var networkDown: Errno { get }
Network is down.
static var networkReset: Errno { get }
Network dropped connection on reset.
static var networkUnreachable: Errno { get }
Network is unreachable.
static var noBufferSpace: Errno { get }
No buffer space available.
static var noChildProcess: Errno { get }
No child processes.
static var noData: Errno { get }
No message available.
static var noFunction: Errno { get }
Function not implemented.
static var noLocks: Errno { get }
No locks available.
static var noMemory: Errno { get }
Can’t allocate memory.
static var noRouteToHost: Errno { get }
No route to host.
static var noSpace: Errno { get }
Device out of space.
static var noStreamResources: Errno { get }
static var noSuchAddressOrDevice: Errno { get }
No such device or address.
static var noSuchFileOrDirectory: Errno { get }
No such file or directory.
static var noSuchProcess: Errno { get }
No such process.
static var notDirectory: Errno { get }
Not a directory.
static var notPermitted: Errno { get }
Operation not permitted.
static var notSocket: Errno { get }
A socket operation was performed on something that isn’t a socket.
static var notStream: Errno { get }
static var notSupported: Errno { get }
Not supported.
static var notSupportedOnSocket: Errno { get }
Operation not supported on socket.
static var nowInProgress: Errno { get }
Operation now in progress.
static var operationNotSupportedByDevice: Errno { get }
Operation not supported by device.
static var outOfDomain: Errno { get }
Numerical argument out of domain.
static var outOfRange: Errno { get }
Numerical result out of range.
static var permissionDenied: Errno { get }
Permission denied.
static var protocolError: Errno { get }
Protocol error.
static var protocolFamilyNotSupported: Errno { get }
Protocol family not supported.
static var protocolNotAvailable: Errno { get }
Protocol not available.
static var protocolNotSupported: Errno { get }
Protocol not supported.
static var protocolWrongTypeForSocket: Errno { get }
Protocol wrong for socket type.
static var readOnlyFileSystem: Errno { get }
Read-only file system.
static var resourceBusy: Errno { get }
Resource busy.
static var resourceTemporarilyUnavailable: Errno { get }
Resource temporarily unavailable.
static var socketIsConnected: Errno { get }
Socket is already connected.
static var socketNotConnected: Errno { get }
Socket is not connected.
static var textFileBusy: Errno { get }
Text file busy.
static var timedOut: Errno { get }
Operation timed out.
static var timeout: Errno { get }
static var tooManyLinks: Errno { get }
Too many links.
static var tooManyOpenFiles: Errno { get }
This process has too many open files.
static var tooManyOpenFilesInSystem: Errno { get }
The system has too many open files.
static var tooManySymbolicLinkLevels: Errno { get }
Too many levels of symbolic links.
static var wouldBlock: Errno { get }
Operation would block.
var debugDescription: String { get }
A textual representation, suitable for debugging, of the most recent error returned by a system call.
var description: String { get }
A textual representation of the most recent error returned by a system call.
let rawValue: CInt
The raw C error number.