Library Module (C)madmachineio.swiftio 0.1.0CSwiftIO
import CSwiftIO
Module information
- Declarations
- 973
- Symbols
- 988
import CSwiftIO
struct __atomic_wide_counter
struct __fsid_t
struct __locale_struct
struct __once_flag
struct __pthread_cond_s
struct __pthread_internal_list
struct __pthread_internal_slist
struct __pthread_mutex_s
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t
struct __sigset_t
struct fd_set
struct i2s_state
struct i2s_trigger_cmd
struct pthread_attr_t
struct pthread_barrier_t
struct pthread_barrierattr_t
struct pthread_cond_t
struct pthread_condattr_t
struct pthread_mutex_t
struct pthread_mutexattr_t
struct pthread_rwlock_t
struct pthread_rwlockattr_t
struct swift_adc_info
struct swift_fs_dir_entry_type
struct swift_fs_dirent
struct swift_fs_statvfs
struct swift_gpio_direction
struct swift_gpio_int_mode
struct swift_gpio_mode
struct swift_i2s_cfg
struct swift_i2s_dir
struct swift_i2s_mode
struct swift_lcd_active_mode
struct swift_lcd_panel_param
struct swift_lcd_pixel_format
struct swift_pwm_info
struct swift_timer_type
struct swift_uart_cfg
struct swift_uart_data_bits
struct swift_uart_parity
struct swift_uart_stop_bits
struct swift_wifi_scan_result
struct swift_wifi_security_type
struct swift_wifi_status
struct timespec
struct timeval
typealias __blkcnt64_t = Int
typealias __blkcnt_t = Int
typealias __blksize_t = Int32
typealias __caddr_t = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>
typealias __clock_t = Int
typealias __clockid_t = Int32
typealias __daddr_t = Int32
typealias __dev_t = UInt
typealias __fd_mask = Int
typealias __fsblkcnt64_t = UInt
typealias __fsblkcnt_t = UInt
typealias __fsfilcnt64_t = UInt
typealias __fsfilcnt_t = UInt
typealias __fsword_t = Int
typealias __gid_t = UInt32
typealias __id_t = UInt32
typealias __ino64_t = UInt
typealias __ino_t = UInt
typealias __int16_t = Int16
typealias __int32_t = Int32
typealias __int64_t = Int
typealias __int8_t = Int8
typealias __int_least16_t = __int16_t
typealias __int_least32_t = __int32_t
typealias __int_least64_t = __int64_t
typealias __int_least8_t = __int8_t
typealias __intmax_t = Int
typealias __intptr_t = Int
typealias __key_t = Int32
typealias __locale_t = UnsafeMutablePointer<__locale_struct>
typealias __loff_t = __off64_t
typealias __mode_t = UInt32
typealias __nlink_t = UInt32
typealias __off64_t = Int
typealias __off_t = Int
typealias __pid_t = Int32
typealias __pthread_list_t = __pthread_internal_list
typealias __pthread_slist_t = __pthread_internal_slist
typealias __quad_t = Int
typealias __rlim64_t = UInt
typealias __rlim_t = UInt
typealias __sig_atomic_t = Int32
typealias __socklen_t = UInt32
typealias __ssize_t = Int
typealias __suseconds64_t = Int
typealias __suseconds_t = Int
typealias __syscall_slong_t = Int
typealias __syscall_ulong_t = UInt
typealias __thrd_t = UInt
typealias __time_t = Int
typealias __timer_t = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias __tss_t = UInt32
typealias __u_char = UInt8
typealias __u_int = UInt32
typealias __u_long = UInt
typealias __u_quad_t = UInt
typealias __u_short = UInt16
typealias __uid_t = UInt32
typealias __uint16_t = UInt16
typealias __uint32_t = UInt32
typealias __uint64_t = UInt
typealias __uint8_t = UInt8
typealias __uint_least16_t = __uint16_t
typealias __uint_least32_t = __uint32_t
typealias __uint_least64_t = __uint64_t
typealias __uint_least8_t = __uint8_t
typealias __uintmax_t = UInt
typealias __useconds_t = UInt32
typealias blkcnt_t = __blkcnt_t
typealias blksize_t = __blksize_t
typealias caddr_t = __caddr_t
typealias clock_t = __clock_t
typealias clockid_t = __clockid_t
typealias daddr_t = __daddr_t
typealias dev_t = __dev_t
typealias fd_mask = __fd_mask
typealias fsblkcnt_t = __fsblkcnt_t
typealias fsfilcnt_t = __fsfilcnt_t
typealias fsid_t = __fsid_t
typealias gid_t = __gid_t
typealias i2s_state_t = i2s_state
typealias i2s_trigger_cmd_t = i2s_trigger_cmd
typealias id_t = __id_t
typealias ino_t = __ino_t
typealias int_fast16_t = Int
typealias int_fast32_t = Int
typealias int_fast64_t = Int
typealias int_fast8_t = Int8
typealias int_least16_t = __int_least16_t
typealias int_least32_t = __int_least32_t
typealias int_least64_t = __int_least64_t
typealias int_least8_t = __int_least8_t
typealias intmax_t = __intmax_t
typealias intptr_t = Int
typealias key_t = __key_t
typealias locale_t = __locale_t
typealias loff_t = __loff_t
typealias mode_t = __mode_t
typealias nlink_t = __nlink_t
typealias off_t = __off_t
typealias pid_t = __pid_t
typealias pthread_key_t = UInt32
typealias pthread_once_t = Int32
typealias pthread_spinlock_t = Int32
typealias pthread_t = UInt
typealias quad_t = __quad_t
typealias register_t = Int
typealias sigset_t = __sigset_t
typealias size_t = Int
typealias ssize_t = Int
typealias suseconds_t = __suseconds_t
typealias swift_adc_info_t = swift_adc_info
typealias swift_fs_dir_entry_type_t = swift_fs_dir_entry_type
typealias swift_fs_dirent_t = swift_fs_dirent
typealias swift_fs_statvfs_t = swift_fs_statvfs
typealias swift_gpio_direction_t = swift_gpio_direction
typealias swift_gpio_int_mode_t = swift_gpio_int_mode
typealias swift_gpio_mode_t = swift_gpio_mode
typealias swift_i2s_cfg_t = swift_i2s_cfg
typealias swift_i2s_dir_t = swift_i2s_dir
typealias swift_i2s_mode_t = swift_i2s_mode
typealias swift_lcd_active_mode_t = swift_lcd_active_mode
typealias swift_lcd_panel_param_t = swift_lcd_panel_param
typealias swift_lcd_pixel_format_t = swift_lcd_pixel_format
typealias swift_pwm_info_t = swift_pwm_info
typealias swift_timer_type_t = swift_timer_type
typealias swift_uart_cfg_t = swift_uart_cfg
typealias swift_uart_data_bits_t = swift_uart_data_bits
typealias swift_uart_parity_t = swift_uart_parity
typealias swift_uart_stop_bits_t = swift_uart_stop_bits
typealias swift_wifi_scan_result_t = swift_wifi_scan_result
typealias swift_wifi_status_t = swift_wifi_status
typealias swifthal_task = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void
typealias time_t = __time_t
typealias timer_t = __timer_t
typealias u_char = __u_char
typealias u_int = __u_int
typealias u_long = __u_long
typealias u_quad_t = __u_quad_t
typealias u_short = __u_short
typealias uid_t = __uid_t
typealias uint = UInt32
typealias uint_fast16_t = UInt
typealias uint_fast32_t = UInt
typealias uint_fast64_t = UInt
typealias uint_fast8_t = UInt8
typealias uint_least16_t = __uint_least16_t
typealias uint_least32_t = __uint_least32_t
typealias uint_least64_t = __uint_least64_t
typealias uint_least8_t = __uint_least8_t
typealias uintmax_t = __uintmax_t
typealias uintptr_t = UInt
typealias ulong = UInt
typealias ushort = UInt16
import SwiftIO
The SwiftIO library allows you to access and control the hardware in an easy way.