Instance Propertymacpaw.openai 0.3.2OpenAI
API host. Set this property if you use some kind of proxy or your own server. Default is
let host: String
API host. Set this property if you use some kind of proxy or your own server. Default is
let host: String
import OpenAI
struct Configuration
final class OpenAI
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(token: String, organizationIdentifier: String? = nil, host: String = "", port: Int = 443, scheme: String = "https", basePath: String = "", timeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 60.0)
let basePath: String
Optional base path if you set up OpenAI API proxy on a custom path on your own host. Default is “”
let organizationIdentifier: String?
Optional OpenAI organization identifier. See
let port: Int
let scheme: String
let timeoutInterval: TimeInterval
Default request timeout
let token: String
OpenAI API token. See