
init(input: Self.Input, model: Model, encodingFormat: Self.EncodingFormat? = nil, user: String? = nil)

Other members in extension


Type members

Instance members

  • let encodingFormat: Self.EncodingFormat?

    The format to return the embeddings in. Can be either float or base64.

  • let input: Self.Input

    Input text to embed, encoded as a string or array of tokens. To embed multiple inputs in a single request, pass an array of strings or array of token arrays. The input must not exceed the max input tokens for the model (8192 tokens for text-embedding-ada-002), cannot be an empty string, and any array must be 2048 dimensions or less.

  • let model: Model

    ID of the model to use. You can use the List models API to see all of your available models, or see our Model overview for descriptions of them.

  • let user: String?

    A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse.