Instance Propertymacpaw.openai 0.3.3OpenAI
The function that the model called.
let function: Self.ChoiceDeltaToolCallFunction?
The function that the model called.
let function: Self.ChoiceDeltaToolCallFunction?
What are these?9UBBR
import OpenAI
struct ChoiceDeltaToolCall
struct ChatStreamResult
struct Choice
struct ChoiceDelta
struct ChoiceDeltaToolCallFunction
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init(index: Int, id: String? = nil, function: Self.ChoiceDeltaToolCallFunction? = nil)
let id: String?
The ID of the tool call.
let index: Int
let type: String?
The type of the tool. Currently, only function is supported.