Instance Propertyhummingbird 2.8.0HummingbirdHTTP2
HTTP2UpgradeChannel.swift:38let configuration: Configuration
let configuration: Configuration
What are these?UOB5
import HummingbirdHTTP2
struct HTTP2UpgradeChannel
Child channel for processing HTTP1 with the option of upgrading to HTTP2 via ALPN
typealias Configuration = HTTP2ChannelConfiguration
init(tlsConfiguration: TLSConfiguration, configuration: Configuration = .init(), responder: @escaping HTTPChannelHandler.Responder) throws
Initialize HTTP2UpgradeChannel
var responder: Responder { get }
func handle(value: Value, logger: Logger) async
func setup(channel: Channel, logger: Logger) -> EventLoopFuture<Value>
Setup child channel for HTTP1 with HTTP2 upgrade
struct Value
init(tlsConfiguration: TLSConfiguration, additionalChannelHandlers: @escaping () -> [any RemovableChannelHandler], responder: @escaping HTTPChannelHandler.Responder) throws
Initialize HTTP2Channel