
    final class HTTPUserEventHandler

    Citizens in HummingbirdCore


    • protocol ChannelHandler

      Base protocol for handlers that handle I/O events or intercept an I/O operation.

    • protocol ChannelInboundHandler

      ChannelHandler which handles inbound I/O events for a Channel.

    • protocol ChannelOutboundHandler

      ChannelHandler which handles outbound I/O events or intercept an outbound I/O operation for a Channel.

    • protocol RemovableChannelHandler

      A RemovableChannelHandler is a ChannelHandler that can be dynamically removed from a ChannelPipeline whilst the Channel is operating normally. A RemovableChannelHandler is required to remove itself from the ChannelPipeline (using ChannelHandlerContext.leavePipeline) as soon as possible.

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