Instance Methodhummingbird 2.3.0Hummingbird->HummingbirdCore
Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
Parameters.swift:124func requireAll<T>(_ s: String, as: T.Type) throws -> [T] where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String
Other members in extension
Type members
Instance members
func get(String
) -> String? Return parameter with specified id
func get(String, as: UUID.Type
) -> UUID? Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func get<T>(String, as: T.Type
) -> T? Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func get<T>(String, as: T.Type
) -> T? Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func getAll(String
) -> [String] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func getAll(String, as: UUID.Type
) -> [UUID] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func getAll<T>(String, as: T.Type
) -> [T] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func getAll<T>(String, as: T.Type
) -> [T] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func getCatchAll(
) -> [Substring] Return path elements caught by recursive capture
func require(String
) throws -> String Return parameter with specified id
func require(String, as: UUID.Type
) throws -> UUID Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func require<T>(String, as: T.Type
) throws -> T Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func require<T>(String, as: T.Type
) throws -> T Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func requireAll(String, as: UUID.Type
) throws -> [UUID] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func requireAll<T>(String, as: T.Type
) throws -> [T] Return parameter with specified id as a certain type
func setCatchAll(Substring
) Set path components caught by recursive capture