Initialize FileExtension
- ExpressibleByStringLiteral
init(stringLiteral value: String)
- value
The raw, textual file extension
Initialize FileExtension
- ExpressibleByStringLiteral
init(stringLiteral value: String)
What are these?U3B9
The raw, textual file extension
import Hummingbird
struct FileExtension
Type safe wrapper for file extensions. Additionally provides case insensitive comparison.
struct MediaType
Define media type of file
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init<S>(_ rawValue: S) where S : StringProtocol
Initialize FileExtension
init(rawValue: String)
Initialize FileExtension
static let aac: Self
File extension for the aac format.
static let abw: Self
File extension for the abw format.
static let arc: Self
File extension for the arc format.
static let azw: Self
File extension for the azw format.
static let bin: Self
File extension for the bin format.
static let bmp: Self
File extension for the bmp format.
static let bz: Self
File extension for the bz format.
static let bz2: Self
File extension for the bz2 format.
static let csh: Self
File extension for the csh format.
static let css: Self
File extension for the css format.
static let csv: Self
File extension for the csv format.
static let doc: Self
File extension for the doc format.
static let docx: Self
File extension for the docx format.
static let eot: Self
File extension for the eot format.
static let epub: Self
File extension for the epub format.
static let gif: Self
File extension for the gif format.
static let gz: Self
File extension for the gz format.
static let htm: Self
File extension for the htm format.
static let html: Self
File extension for the html format.
static let ico: Self
File extension for the ico format.
static let ics: Self
File extension for the ics format.
static let jar: Self
File extension for the jar format.
static let jpeg: Self
File extension for the jpeg format.
static let jpg: Self
File extension for the jpg format.
static let js: Self
File extension for the js format.
static let json: Self
File extension for the json format.
static let jsonld: Self
File extension for the jsonld format.
static let mid: Self
File extension for the mid format.
static let midi: Self
File extension for the midi format.
static let mjs: Self
File extension for the mjs format.
static let mp3: Self
File extension for the mp3 format.
static let mp4: Self
File extension for the mp4 format.
static let mpeg: Self
File extension for the mpeg format.
static let mpkg: Self
File extension for the mpkg format.
static let odp: Self
File extension for the odp format.
static let ods: Self
File extension for the ods format.
static let odt: Self
File extension for the odt format.
static let oga: Self
File extension for the oga format.
static let ogv: Self
File extension for the ogv format.
static let ogx: Self
File extension for the ogx format.
static let opus: Self
File extension for the opus format.
static let otf: Self
File extension for the otf format.
static let pdf: Self
File extension for the pdf format.
static let php: Self
File extension for the php format.
static let png: Self
File extension for the png format.
static let ppt: Self
File extension for the ppt format.
static let pptx: Self
File extension for the pptx format.
static let rar: Self
File extension for the rar format.
static let rtf: Self
File extension for the rtf format.
static let sevenZ: Self
File extension for the 7z format.
static let sh: Self
File extension for the sh format.
static let svg: Self
File extension for the svg format.
static let swf: Self
File extension for the swf format.
static let tar: Self
File extension for the tar format.
static let threeG2: Self
File extension for the 3g2 format.
static let threeGP: Self
File extension for the 3gp format.
static let tif: Self
File extension for the tif format.
static let tiff: Self
File extension for the tiff format.
static let ts: Self
File extension for the ts format.
static let ttf: Self
File extension for the ttf format.
static let txt: Self
File extension for the txt format.
static let vsd: Self
File extension for the vsd format.
static let wasm: Self
File extension for the wasm format.
static let wav: Self
File extension for the wav format.
static let weba: Self
File extension for the weba format.
static let webm: Self
File extension for the webm format.
static let webmanifest: Self
File extension for the webmanifest format.
static let webp: Self
File extension for the webp format.
static let woff: Self
File extension for the woff format.
static let woff2: Self
File extension for the woff2 format.
static let xhtml: Self
File extension for the xhtml format.
static let xls: Self
File extension for the xls format.
static let xlsx: Self
File extension for the xlsx format.
static let xml: Self
File extension for the xml format.
static let zip: Self
File extension for the zip format.
let rawValue: String
The raw file extension