Instance Methodhummingbird 2.3.0HummingbirdTesting->Hummingbird
Test Application
func test<Value>(_ testingSetup: TestingSetup, _ test: (any TestClientProtocol) async throws -> Value) async throws -> Value
- testingSetup
indicates which type of testing framework we want
- test
test function
You use test
and execute
to test applications. You can either test using the .router
test framework which sends requests directly to the router for testing your code or the .live
or .ahc
frameworks which both run live servers to pass requests to, but provide a single connection HTTP client or AsyncHTTPClient as a client respectively . The .router
test framework is quicker and doesn’t require setting up a full server but will only test code run from request generation onwards.
The example below is using the .router
framework to test
let router = Router()
router.get("/hello") { _ in
return "hello"
let app = Application(router: router)
app.test(.router) { client in
// does my app return "hello" in the body for this route
client.execute(uri: "/hello", method: .GET) { response in
XCTAssertEqual(String(buffer: response.body), "hello")