Instance Methodheckj.voxels 0.2.6Voxels
VoxelArray+Sequence.swift:4func makeIterator() -> VoxelArrayIterator
func makeIterator() -> VoxelArrayIterator
where T:Sendable
import Voxels
A Swift library for storage, manipulation, export, and 3D rendering of Voxel data.
struct VoxelArray<T> where T : Sendable
A collection of voxels backed by an array.
struct VoxelArrayIterator
protocol Sendable
var endIndex: Int { get }
var startIndex: Int { get }
subscript(linearindex: Int) -> T { get set }
func index(after i: Int) -> Int
mutating func updating(with voxels: VoxelHash<T>)
mutating func updating(with voxelUpdates: [VoxelUpdate<T>])
typealias Index = Int
typealias Iterator = VoxelArrayIterator