Instance Methodheckj.voxels 0.2.6Voxels
VoxelAccessible_VoxelBlockRenderable.swift:6func isSurface(_ vindex: VoxelIndex) -> Bool
func isSurface(_ vindex: VoxelIndex) -> Bool
What are these?9NSJV
where Self.Element:VoxelBlockRenderable
import Voxels
A Swift library for storage, manipulation, export, and 3D rendering of Voxel data.
protocol VoxelAccessible<Element> : Collection
A type that holds a collection of voxels.
struct VoxelIndex
The coordinates of a voxel location.
@frozen struct Bool
A value type whose instances are either true
or false
protocol VoxelBlockRenderable
A type that can be rendered as opaque blocks.
func isSurface(_ tuple: (Int, Int, Int)) -> Bool
func isSurfaceFace(_ vindex: VoxelIndex, direction: CubeFace) -> Bool