Type Aliasgrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCInProcessTransport
InProcessTransport+Client.swift:39typealias Bytes = [UInt8]
typealias Bytes = [UInt8]
import GRPCInProcessTransport
This module contains an in-process transport.
final class Client
An in-process implementation of a ClientTransport
struct InProcessTransport
@frozen struct UInt8
An 8-bit unsigned integer value type.
init(server: InProcessTransport.Server, serviceConfig: ServiceConfig = ServiceConfig(), peer: String)
Creates a new in-process client transport.
let retryThrottle: RetryThrottle?
func beginGracefulShutdown()
Signal to the transport that no new streams may be created.
func config(forMethod descriptor: MethodDescriptor) -> MethodConfig?
Returns the execution configuration for a given method.
func connect() async throws
func withStream<T>(descriptor: MethodDescriptor, options: CallOptions, _ closure: (RPCStream<Inbound, Outbound>, ClientContext) async throws -> T) async throws -> T
Opens a stream using the transport, and uses it as input into a user-provided closure.