Type Aliasgrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
ServerTransport.swift:30typealias Outbound = RPCWriter<RPCResponsePart<Bytes>>.Closable
typealias Outbound = RPCWriter<RPCResponsePart<Bytes>>.Closable
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
protocol ServerTransport<Bytes> : Sendable
A type that provides a bidirectional communication channel with a client.
struct RPCWriter<Element> where Element : Sendable
A type-erasing RPCWriterProtocol
enum RPCResponsePart<Bytes> where Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes
Part of a response sent from a server to a client in a stream.
associatedtype Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes, Sendable
The bag-of-bytes type used by the transport.
struct Closable
typealias Inbound = RPCAsyncSequence<RPCRequestPart<Bytes>, any Error>