Structuregrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
A request received at the server containing a single message.
struct ServerRequest<Message> where Message : Sendable
A request received at the server containing a single message.
struct ServerRequest<Message> where Message : Sendable
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
protocol Sendable
struct ClientRequest<Message> where Message : Sendable
A request created by the client for a single message.
struct StreamingClientRequest<Message> where Message : Sendable
A request created by the client for a stream of messages.
struct ClientResponse<Message> where Message : Sendable
A response for a single message received by a client.
struct StreamingClientResponse<Message> where Message : Sendable
A response for a stream of messages received by a client.
struct StreamingServerRequest<Message> where Message : Sendable
A request received at the server containing a stream of messages.
struct ServerResponse<Message> where Message : Sendable
A response for a single message sent by a server.
struct StreamingServerResponse<Message> where Message : Sendable
A response for a stream of messages sent by a server.
init(metadata: Metadata, message: Message)
Create a new single server request.
var message: Message
The message received from the client.
var metadata: Metadata
Metadata received from the client at the start of the RPC.
init(stream request: StreamingServerRequest<Message>) async throws