Instance Propertygrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
A description of the method being called.
var descriptor: MethodDescriptor
A description of the method being called.
var descriptor: MethodDescriptor
What are these?7HWT1
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
struct ServerContext
Additional information about an RPC handled by a server.
struct MethodDescriptor
A description of a method on a service.
init(descriptor: MethodDescriptor, remotePeer: String, localPeer: String, cancellation: RPCCancellationHandle)
Create a new server context.
var cancellation: RPCCancellationHandle
A handle for checking the cancellation status of an RPC.
var localPeer: String
A description of the local peer.
var remotePeer: String
A description of the remote peer.
struct RPCCancellationHandle
A handle for the cancellation status of the RPC.