A type into which values can be written indefinitely.
protocol RPCWriterProtocol<Element> : Sendable
Browse conforming typesA type into which values can be written indefinitely.
protocol RPCWriterProtocol<Element> : Sendable
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
associatedtype Element : Sendable
The type of value written.
protocol Sendable
func write(_ element: Element) async throws
Writes a single element.
func write(contentsOf elements: some Sequence<Element>) async throws
Writes a sequence of elements.
protocol ClientTransport<Bytes> : Sendable
A type that provides a long-lived bidirectional communication channel to a server.
protocol ServerTransport<Bytes> : Sendable
A type that provides a bidirectional communication channel with a client.
enum RPCRequestPart<Bytes> where Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes
Part of a request sent from a client to a server in a stream.
enum RPCResponsePart<Bytes> where Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes
Part of a response sent from a server to a client in a stream.
struct Status
A status object represents the outcome of an RPC.
struct Metadata
A collection of metadata key-value pairs, found in RPC streams.
final class RetryThrottle
A throttle used to rate-limit retries and hedging attempts.
struct RPCStream<Inbound, Outbound> where Inbound : Sendable, Inbound : AsyncSequence, Outbound : ClosableRPCWriterProtocol
A bidirectional communication channel between a client and server for a given method.
protocol ClosableRPCWriterProtocol<Element> : RPCWriterProtocol
A type into which values can be written until it is finished.
struct RPCWriter<Element> where Element : Sendable
A type-erasing RPCWriterProtocol
struct RPCAsyncSequence<Element, Failure> where Element : Sendable, Failure : Error
A type-erasing AsyncSequence
func write<Elements>(contentsOf elements: Elements) async throws where Elements : AsyncSequence, Self.Element == Elements.Element
Writes an AsyncSequence
of values into the sink.