Instance Propertygrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
CompressionAlgorithm.swift:49var rawValue: UInt32
var rawValue: UInt32
What are these?L4CH
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
struct CompressionAlgorithmSet
A set of compression algorithms.
@frozen struct UInt32
A 32-bit unsigned integer value type.
init(rawValue: UInt32)
static var all: Self { get }
All compression algorithms.
static var deflate: Self { get }
The ‘deflate’ compression algorithm.
static var gzip: Self { get }
The ‘gzip’ compression algorithm.
static var none: Self { get }
No compression, sometimes referred to as ‘identity’ compression.
var elements: Elements { get }
A sequence of CompressionAlgorithm
values present in the set.
func contains(_ algorithm: CompressionAlgorithm) -> Bool
Returns whether a given algorithm is present in the set.
struct Elements
A sequence of CompressionAlgorithm
values present in a CompressionAlgorithmSet