Required Associated Typegrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
The bag-of-bytes type used by the transport.
associatedtype Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes, Sendable
The bag-of-bytes type used by the transport.
associatedtype Bytes : GRPCContiguousBytes, Sendable
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
protocol ClientTransport<Bytes> : Sendable
A type that provides a long-lived bidirectional communication channel to a server.
protocol GRPCContiguousBytes
A bag-of-bytes type.
protocol Sendable
var retryThrottle: RetryThrottle? { get }
Returns a throttle which gRPC uses to determine whether retries can be executed.
func beginGracefulShutdown()
Signal to the transport that no new streams may be created.
func config(forMethod descriptor: MethodDescriptor) -> MethodConfig?
Returns the configuration for a given method.
func connect() async throws
Establish and maintain a connection to the remote destination.
func withStream<T>(descriptor: MethodDescriptor, options: CallOptions, _ closure: (_ stream: RPCStream<Inbound, Outbound>, _ context: ClientContext) async throws -> T) async throws -> T where T : Sendable
Opens a stream using the transport, and uses it as input into a user-provided closure alongisde the given context.