Instance Propertygrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore
The response message received from the server, or an error of the RPC failed with a non-ok status.
var message: Result<Message, RPCError>
The response message received from the server, or an error of the RPC failed with a non-ok status.
var message: Result<Message, RPCError>
What are these?3TP09
import GRPCCore
A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
struct Contents
The contents of an accepted response with a single message.
struct ClientResponse<Message> where Message : Sendable
A response for a single message received by a client.
@frozen enum Result<Success, Failure> where Failure : Error, Success : ~Copyable
A value that represents either a success or a failure, including an associated value in each case.
struct RPCError
An error representing the outcome of an RPC.
init(metadata: Metadata, error: RPCError)
Creates a Contents
init(metadata: Metadata, message: Message, trailingMetadata: Metadata)
Creates a Contents
var metadata: Metadata
Metadata received from the server at the beginning of the response.
var trailingMetadata: Metadata
Metadata received from the server at the end of the response.