Library Modulegrpc-swift 2.0.0GRPCCore


A gRPC library for Swift written natively in Swift.
import GRPCCore

Module information



77.8 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are fully documented19.0 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are indirectly documented3.2 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are completely undocumented


1.3 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are global functions or variables0.6 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are operators32.6 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are initializers, type members, or enum cases38.9 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are instance members1.1 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are instance subscripts2.3 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are protocols6.3 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are protocol requirements0.8 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are default implementations13.3 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are structures0.8 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are classes1.9 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are typealiases


100.0 percent of the declarations in GRPCCore are unrestricted
Module stats and coverage details


Package structure

gRPC Swift is distributed across multiple Swift packages. These are:

This package, and this module (GRPCCore) in particular, include higher level documentation such as tutorials.

Modules in this package

  • GRPCCore (this module) contains core abstractions, currency types and runtime components for gRPC Swift.

  • GRPCInProcessTransport contains an in-process implementation of the ClientTransport and ServerTransport protocols.

  • GRPCodeGen contains components for building a code generator.


  • Quick Start: Hello, World!

    This tutorial walks you through the canonical “Hello, World!” program for gRPC Swift. You’ll learn how to implement a service using generated stubs, then you’ll learn to configure and use a gRPC server. You’ll also see how to create a client and use it to call the server.

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  • The Basics: Route Guide

    Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a gRPC service and client from scratch. You’ll learn how to define a service in a .proto file, generate server and client code using the Protocol Buffer compiler, and use gRPC Swift to write a simple client and server for your service.

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Project Information

  • Compatibility

    Learn which versions of Swift are supported by gRPC Swift and how this changes over time.

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  • Public API

    Understand what constitutes the public API of gRPC Swift and the commitments made by the maintainers.

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Getting involved

Resources for developers working on gRPC Swift:

Client and Server

Request and response types

Service definition and routing


RPC descriptors

Service config


Transport protocols and supporting types

