Enumerationgrdb 7.1.0GRDB
A namespace for concrete types that adopt the ValueReducer
enum ValueReducers
A namespace for concrete types that adopt the ValueReducer
enum ValueReducers
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
protocol ValueReducer : _ValueReducer
supports ValueObservation
struct Fetch<Value> where Value : Sendable
A ValueReducer
that perform database fetches.
struct Map<Base, Value> where Base : _ValueReducer, Value : Sendable
A ValueReducer
whose values consist of those in a Base
reducer passed through a transform function.
struct RemoveDuplicates<Base> where Base : ValueReducer
A ValueReducer
that notifies only values that don’t match the previously observed value.
struct Trace<Base> where Base : ValueReducer
A ValueReducer
that handles ValueObservation