Returns an aggregate request grouped on the primary key.
func groupByPrimaryKey() -> Self
Any previous grouping is discarded.
Returns an aggregate request grouped on the primary key.
func groupByPrimaryKey() -> Self
What are these?2RUN8
where Self:AggregatingRequest
Any previous grouping is discarded.
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
protocol TableRequest
A request that feeds from a database table
protocol AggregatingRequest
A request that can aggregate database rows.
func group(_ expressions: any SQLExpressible...) -> Self
Returns an aggregate request grouped on the given SQL expressions.
func group(_ expressions: [any SQLExpressible]) -> Self
Returns an aggregate request grouped on the given SQL expressions.
func group(literal sqlLiteral: SQL) -> Self
Returns an aggregate request grouped on an SQL
func group(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments = StatementArguments()) -> Self
Returns an aggregate request grouped on an SQL string.
func groupWhenConnected(_ expressions: @escaping (Database) throws -> [any SQLExpressible]) -> Self
Returns an aggregate request grouped on the given SQL expressions.
func having(_ predicate: some SQLExpressible) -> Self
Filters the aggregated groups with a boolean SQL expression.
func having(literal sqlLiteral: SQL) -> Self
Filters the aggregated groups with an SQL
func having(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments = StatementArguments()) -> Self
Filters the aggregated groups with an SQL string.
func havingWhenConnected(_ predicate: @escaping (Database) throws -> any SQLExpressible) -> Self
Filters the aggregated groups with a boolean SQL expression.