static func aliased(TableAlias) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that can be referred to with the provided alias.
static func all() -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request for all records in the table.
static func annotated(with: [any SQLSelectable]) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the provided result columns appended to the record selection.
static func annotated(with: AssociationAggregate<Self>...) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the given association aggregates appended to the record selection.
static func annotated(with: [AssociationAggregate<Self>]) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the given association aggregates appended to the record selection.
static func annotated(with: any SQLSelectable...) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the provided result columns appended to the record selection.
static func annotated<A>(withOptional: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the columns of the eventual associated record appended to the record selection.
static func annotated<A>(withRequired: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request with the columns of the associated record appended to the record selection. Records that do not have an associated record are discarded.
static func filter(some SQLSpecificExpressible) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered with a boolean SQL expression.
static func filter(id: ID) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary key.
static func filter(ids: some Collection<ID>) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary key.
static func filter(key: [String : (any DatabaseValueConvertible)?]?) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary or unique key.
static func filter(key: some DatabaseValueConvertible) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary key.
static func filter(keys: [[String : (any DatabaseValueConvertible)?]]) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary or unique key.
static func filter(keys: some Collection<some DatabaseValueConvertible>) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered by primary key.
static func filter(literal: SQL) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered with an SQL
static func filter(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered with an SQL string.
static func having(AssociationAggregate<Self>) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered according to the provided association aggregate.
static func including<A>(optional: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that fetches the eventual record associated with each record of this request.
static func including<A>(required: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that fetches the record associated with each record in this request. Records that do not have an associated record are discarded.
static func joining<A>(optional: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that joins each record of this request to its eventual associated record.
static func joining<A>(required: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that joins each record of this request to its associated record. Records that do not have an associated record are discarded.
static func limit(Int, offset: Int?) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a limited request.
static func matching(FTS3Pattern?) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered on records that match an FTS3
full-text pattern.
static func matching(FTS5Pattern?) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request filtered on records that match an FTS5
full-text pattern.
static func none() -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns an empty request that fetches no record.
static func order([any SQLOrderingTerm]) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request sorted according to the given SQL ordering terms.
static func order(any SQLOrderingTerm...) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request sorted according to the given SQL ordering terms.
static func order(literal: SQL) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request sorted according to the given SQL
static func order(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request sorted according to the given SQL string.
static func orderByPrimaryKey() -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request sorted by primary key.
func request<A>(for: A) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<A.RowDecoder>
Returns a request for the associated record(s).
static func select([any SQLSelectable]) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that selects the provided result columns.
static func select(any SQLSelectable...) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that selects the provided result columns.
static func select<RowDecoder>(any SQLSelectable..., as: RowDecoder.Type) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<RowDecoder>
Returns a request that selects the provided result columns, and defines the type of decoded rows.
static func select<RowDecoder>([any SQLSelectable], as: RowDecoder.Type) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<RowDecoder>
Returns a request that selects the provided result columns, and defines the type of decoded rows.
static func select(literal: SQL) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that selects the provided SQL
static func select<RowDecoder>(literal: SQL, as: RowDecoder.Type) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<RowDecoder>
Returns a request that selects the provided SQL
literal, and defines the type of decoded rows.
static func select(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that selects the provided SQL string.
static func select<RowDecoder>(sql: String, arguments: StatementArguments, as: RowDecoder.Type) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<RowDecoder>
Returns a request that selects the provided SQL string, and defines the type of decoded rows.
static func selectPrimaryKey<PrimaryKey>(as: PrimaryKey.Type) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<PrimaryKey>
Returns a request that selects the primary key.
static func with<RowDecoder>(CommonTableExpression<RowDecoder>) -> QueryInterfaceRequest<Self>
Returns a request that embeds a common table expression.