Instance Subscriptgrdb 7.1.0GRDB
SQLGenerationContext.swift:474subscript(expression: some SQLJSONExpressible & SQLSpecificExpressible & SQLSelectable & SQLOrderingTerm) -> AnySQLJSONExpressible { get }
subscript(expression: some SQLJSONExpressible & SQLSpecificExpressible & SQLSelectable & SQLOrderingTerm) -> AnySQLJSONExpressible { get }
What are these?36A8G
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
class TableAlias
A TableAlias identifies a table in a request.
protocol SQLJSONExpressible : SQLSpecificExpressible
A type of SQL expression that is interpreted as a JSON value.
protocol SQLSpecificExpressible : SQLExpressible, SQLOrderingTerm, SQLSelectable
A database-specific type that can be used as an SQL expression.
protocol SQLSelectable
A type that can be used as SQL result columns.
protocol SQLOrderingTerm
A type that can be used as an SQL ordering term.
struct AnySQLJSONExpressible
A type-erased SQLJSONExpressible
init(name: String? = nil)
Creates a TableAlias.
var exists: SQLExpression { get }
A boolean SQL expression indicating whether this alias refers to some rows, or not.
subscript(ordering: some SQLOrderingTerm) -> SQLOrdering { get }
Returns an SQL ordering term that refers to the aliased table.
subscript(selectable: some SQLSelectable) -> SQLSelection { get }
Returns a result column that refers to the aliased table.
subscript(column: String) -> SQLExpression { get }
Returns an SQL column that refers to the aliased table.
subscript(expression: some SQLSpecificExpressible & SQLSelectable & SQLOrderingTerm) -> SQLExpression { get }
Returns an SQL expression that refers to the aliased table.
static func == (lhs: TableAlias, rhs: TableAlias) -> Bool
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)