Structuregrdb 7.1.0GRDB
A text output stream suited for printing database content.
struct DumpStream
A text output stream suited for printing database content.
struct DumpStream
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
struct DebugDumpFormat
A format that prints one line per database row, suitable for debugging.
struct JSONDumpFormat
A format that prints database rows as a JSON array.
struct LineDumpFormat
A format that prints one line per database value. All blob values are interpreted as strings.
struct ListDumpFormat
A format that prints one line per database row. All blob values are interpreted as strings.
struct QuoteDumpFormat
A format that prints one line per database row, formatting values as SQL literals.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
protocol TextOutputStream
A type that can be the target of text-streaming operations.
mutating func margin()
Will write "\n"
before the next non-empty string.
mutating func write(_ string: String)