Instance Propertygrdb 7.1.0GRDB
DatabaseValue.swift:339var description: String { get }
var description: String { get }
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
struct DatabaseValue
A value stored in a database table.
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(sqliteStatement: SQLiteStatement, index: CInt)
Creates a DatabaseValue
initialized from a raw SQLite statement pointer.
init?(value: Any)
Creates a DatabaseValue
from any value.
static let null: DatabaseValue
The NULL DatabaseValue.
static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> DatabaseValue?
Returns the database value
var databaseValue: DatabaseValue { get }
Returns self
var isNull: Bool { get }
A boolean value indicating is the database value is NULL
var sqlExpression: SQLExpression { get }
let storage: Storage
The SQLite storage.
static func == (lhs: DatabaseValue, rhs: DatabaseValue) -> Bool
Returns whether two DatabaseValue
are equal.
func bind(to sqliteStatement: SQLiteStatement, at index: CInt) -> CInt
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
@frozen enum Storage
A value stored in a database table, with its exact SQLite storage (NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB).