Required Instance Methodgrdb 7.2.0GRDB


Executes database operations, and returns their result after they have finished executing.

func unsafeRead<T>(_ value: (Database) throws -> T) throws -> T



A closure which accesses the database.


The error thrown by value, or any DatabaseError that would happen while establishing the database access.

This method is “unsafe” because the database reader does nothing more than providing a database connection. When you use this method, you become responsible for the thread-safety of your application, and responsible for database accesses performed by other processes. See Safe and Unsafe Database Accesses for more information.

For example:

let count = try reader.unsafeRead { db in
    try Player.fetchCount(db)

The Database argument to value is valid only during the execution of the closure. Do not store or return the database connection for later use.

It is a programmer error to call this method from another database access method. Doing so raises a “Database methods are not reentrant” fatal error at runtime.