Instance Method (Default implementation)grdb 7.1.0GRDB
Association.swift:228func unordered() -> Self
func unordered() -> Self
import GRDB
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
protocol Association : DerivableRequest, Sendable
A type that defines a connection between two tables.
func unordered() -> Self
Returns a request without any ordering.
var databaseTableName: String { get }
func _including(all association: _SQLAssociation) -> Self
func _including(optional association: _SQLAssociation) -> Self
func _including(required association: _SQLAssociation) -> Self
func _joining(optional association: _SQLAssociation) -> Self
func _joining(required association: _SQLAssociation) -> Self
func aliased(_ alias: TableAlias) -> Self
func annotatedWhenConnected(with selection: @escaping (Database) throws -> [any SQLSelectable]) -> Self
func distinct() -> Self
func filterWhenConnected(_ predicate: @escaping (Database) throws -> any SQLExpressible) -> Self
func forKey(_ codingKey: some CodingKey) -> Self
Returns an association with the given key.
func groupWhenConnected(_ expressions: @escaping (Database) throws -> [any SQLExpressible]) -> Self
func havingWhenConnected(_ predicate: @escaping (Database) throws -> any SQLExpressible) -> Self
func orderWhenConnected(_ orderings: @escaping (Database) throws -> [any SQLOrderingTerm]) -> Self
func reversed() -> Self
func selectWhenConnected(_ selection: @escaping (Database) throws -> [any SQLSelectable]) -> Self
func with<RowDecoder>(_ cte: CommonTableExpression<RowDecoder>) -> Self
func withStableOrder() -> Self