Library Modulegraphqlswift.graphql 2.10.1GraphQL
import GraphQL
Module information
- Declarations
- 1165
- Symbols
- 1409
protocol Definition
protocol FieldExecutionStrategy
protocol Fragment
protocol FutureType
protocol GraphQLAbstractType
These types may describe the parent context of a selection set.
protocol GraphQLCompositeType
These types may describe the parent context of a selection set.
protocol GraphQLInputType
These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives.
protocol GraphQLLeafType
These types may describe types which may be leaf values.
protocol GraphQLNamedType
These named types do not include modifiers like List or NonNull.
protocol GraphQLNullableType
These types can all accept null as a value.
protocol GraphQLOutputType
These types may be used as output types as the result of fields.
protocol GraphQLType
These are all of the possible kinds of types.
protocol HasTypeCondition
protocol IndexPathElement
protocol Instrumentation
Provides the capability to instrument the execution steps of a GraphQL query.
protocol KeySubscriptable
protocol MutationFieldExecutionStrategy
protocol Node
The list of all possible AST node types.
protocol NonNullableType
protocol PersistedQueryRetrieval
protocol QueryFieldExecutionStrategy
protocol Selection
protocol SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy
protocol Type
protocol TypeDefinition
protocol TypeResolveResultRepresentable
protocol TypeSystemDefinition
protocol Value
class AnyDecoder
facilitates the decoding of Any into semanticDecodable
types.class AnyEncodable
class AnyEncoder
facilitates the encoding ofEncodable
values into Any.enum AnySerialization
class Argument
class BooleanValue
struct ConcurrentDispatchFieldExecutionStrategy
Serial field execution strategy that’s suitable for the “Evaluating selection sets” section of the spec for “read” mode.
class ConcurrentEventStream<Element>
class Directive
class DirectiveDefinition
enum DirectiveLocation
class DispatchQueueInstrumentationWrapper
Proxies calls through to another
instance via a DispatchQueueclass Document
class EnumExtensionDefinition
class EnumTypeDefinition
class EnumValue
class EnumValueDefinition
class EventStream<Element>
Abstract event stream class - Should be overridden for actual implementations
class ExecutionContext
Data that must be available at all points during query execution.
class Field
class FieldDefinition
class FloatValue
class FragmentDefinition
class FragmentSpread
struct GraphQLArgument
struct GraphQLArgumentDefinition
struct GraphQLDirective
Directives are used by the GraphQL runtime as a way of modifying execution behavior. Type system creators will usually not create these directly.
class GraphQLEnumType
Enum Type Definition
struct GraphQLEnumValue
struct GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
struct GraphQLError
A GraphQLError describes an Error found during the parse, validate, or execute phases of performing a GraphQL operation. In addition to a message it also includes information about the locations in a GraphQL document and/or execution result that correspond to the error.
struct GraphQLField
class GraphQLFieldDefinition
class GraphQLInputObjectType
Input Object Type Definition
class GraphQLInterfaceType
Interface Type Definition
class GraphQLJSONEncoder
facilitates the encoding ofEncodable
values into JSON. It is exactly the same asJSONEncoder
except it ensures that JSON output preserves the Map dictionary order.class GraphQLList
List Modifier
class GraphQLNonNull
Non-Null Modifier
class GraphQLObjectType
Object Type Definition
struct GraphQLRequest
A GraphQL request object, containing
, andvariables
fieldsstruct GraphQLResolveInfo
struct GraphQLResult
class GraphQLScalarType
Scalar Type Definition
class GraphQLSchema
Schema Definition
class GraphQLTypeReference
A special type to allow object/interface/input types to reference itself. It’s replaced with the real type object when the schema is built.
class GraphQLUnionType
Union Type Definition
enum HasSelectionSet
struct IndexPath
enum IndexPathValue
class InlineFragment
class InputObjectExtensionDefinition
struct InputObjectField
class InputObjectFieldDefinition
class InputObjectTypeDefinition
class InputValueDefinition
class IntValue
class InterfaceExtensionDefinition
struct InterfaceImplementations
class InterfaceTypeDefinition
enum InvalidNameError
enum Kind
class ListType
class ListValue
struct Location
Contains a range of UTF-8 character offsets and token references that identify the region of the source from which the AST derived.
enum Map
class MapDecoder
facilitates the decoding of Map into semanticDecodable
types.class MapEncoder
facilitates the encoding ofEncodable
values into Map.enum MapError
struct MapSerialization
class Name
class NamedType
enum NodeResult
class NonNullType
class NullValue
struct Number
class ObjectField
class ObjectTypeDefinition
class ObjectValue
class OperationDefinition
enum OperationType
class OperationTypeDefinition
enum PersistedQueryRetrievalResult<T>
class ScalarExtensionDefinition
class ScalarTypeDefinition
class SchemaDefinition
class SchemaExtensionDefinition
class SelectionSet
struct SerialFieldExecutionStrategy
Serial field execution strategy that’s suitable for the “Evaluating selection sets” section of the spec for “write” mode.
struct Source
A representation of source input to GraphQL. The name is optional, but is mostly useful for clients who store GraphQL documents in source files; for example, if the GraphQL input is in a file Foo.graphql, it might be useful for name to be “Foo.graphql”.
struct SourceLocation
class StringValue
struct SubscriptionResult
SubscriptionResult wraps the observable and error data returned by the subscribe request.
class Token
Represents a range of characters represented by a lexical token within a Source.
class TypeExtensionDefinition
enum TypeKind
enum TypeResolveResult
class UnionExtensionDefinition
class UnionTypeDefinition
class ValidationContext
An instance of this class is passed as the “this” context to all validators, allowing access to commonly useful contextual information from within a validation rule.
class Variable
class VariableDefinition
enum VisitResult
struct Visitor
A visitor is provided to visit, it contains the collection of relevant functions to be called during the visitor’s traversal.
typealias Future
typealias GraphQLArgumentConfigMap
typealias GraphQLEnumValueMap
typealias GraphQLFieldDefinitionMap
typealias GraphQLFieldMap
typealias GraphQLFieldResolve
typealias GraphQLFieldResolveInput
typealias GraphQLIsTypeOf
typealias GraphQLTypeResolve
typealias InputObjectFieldDefinitionMap
typealias InputObjectFieldMap
typealias SubscriptionEventStream
SubscriptionObservable represents an event stream of fully resolved GraphQL subscription results. Subscribers can be added to this stream.
typealias TypeMap
typealias VariableUsage
Type members
func == (lhs: Definition, rhs: Definition
) -> Bool func == (lhs: TypeDefinition, rhs: TypeDefinition
) -> Bool func == (lhs: TypeSystemDefinition, rhs: TypeSystemDefinition
) -> Bool func == (lhs: Map, rhs: Map
) -> Bool func == (lhs: Type, rhs: Type
) -> Bool func == (lhs: Value, rhs: Value
) -> Bool func == (lhs: Selection, rhs: Selection
) -> Bool
let GraphQLBoolean: GraphQLScalarType
let GraphQLDeprecatedDirective: GraphQLDirective
Used to declare element of a GraphQL schema as deprecated.
let GraphQLFloat: GraphQLScalarType
let GraphQLID: GraphQLScalarType
let GraphQLIncludeDirective: GraphQLDirective
Used to conditionally include fields or fragments.
let GraphQLInt: GraphQLScalarType
let GraphQLOneOfDirective: GraphQLDirective
Used to indicate an Input Object is a OneOf Input Object.
let GraphQLSkipDirective: GraphQLDirective
Used to conditionally skip (exclude) fields or fragments.
let GraphQLSpecifiedByDirective: GraphQLDirective
Used to provide a URL for specifying the behavior of custom scalar definitions.
let GraphQLString: GraphQLScalarType
let NoOpInstrumentation: Instrumentation
Does nothing
let specifiedRules: [(ValidationContext) -> Visitor]
This set includes all validation rules defined by the GraphQL spec.
func NoDeprecatedCustomRule(context: ValidationContext
) -> Visitor No deprecated
func NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule(context: ValidationContext
) -> Visitor Prohibit introspection queries
func getNamedType(type: GraphQLType?
) -> GraphQLNamedType? func graphql<Retrieval>(queryStrategy: QueryFieldExecutionStrategy, mutationStrategy: MutationFieldExecutionStrategy, subscriptionStrategy: SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy, instrumentation: Instrumentation, queryRetrieval: Retrieval, queryId: Retrieval.Id, rootValue: Any, context: Any, eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, variableValues: [String : Map], operationName: String?
) throws -> Future<GraphQLResult> This is the primary entry point function for fulfilling GraphQL operations by using persisted queries.
func graphql(queryStrategy: QueryFieldExecutionStrategy, mutationStrategy: MutationFieldExecutionStrategy, subscriptionStrategy: SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy, instrumentation: Instrumentation, schema: GraphQLSchema, request: String, rootValue: Any, context: Any, eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, variableValues: [String : Map], operationName: String?
) async throws -> GraphQLResult func graphql(queryStrategy: QueryFieldExecutionStrategy, mutationStrategy: MutationFieldExecutionStrategy, subscriptionStrategy: SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy, instrumentation: Instrumentation, validationRules: [(ValidationContext) -> Visitor], schema: GraphQLSchema, request: String, rootValue: Any, context: Any, eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, variableValues: [String : Map], operationName: String?
) throws -> Future<GraphQLResult> This is the primary entry point function for fulfilling GraphQL operations by parsing, validating, and executing a GraphQL document along side a GraphQL schema.
func graphqlSubscribe(queryStrategy: QueryFieldExecutionStrategy, mutationStrategy: MutationFieldExecutionStrategy, subscriptionStrategy: SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy, instrumentation: Instrumentation, schema: GraphQLSchema, request: String, rootValue: Any, context: Any, eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, variableValues: [String : Map], operationName: String?
) async throws -> SubscriptionResult func graphqlSubscribe(queryStrategy: QueryFieldExecutionStrategy, mutationStrategy: MutationFieldExecutionStrategy, subscriptionStrategy: SubscriptionFieldExecutionStrategy, instrumentation: Instrumentation, validationRules: [(ValidationContext) -> Visitor], schema: GraphQLSchema, request: String, rootValue: Any, context: Any, eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup, variableValues: [String : Map], operationName: String?
) throws -> Future<SubscriptionResult> This is the primary entry point function for fulfilling GraphQL subscription operations by parsing, validating, and executing a GraphQL subscription document along side a GraphQL schema.
func ignore(node: Node, key: IndexPathElement?, parent: NodeResult?, path: [IndexPathElement], ancestors: [NodeResult]
) -> VisitResult func isRequiredArgument(GraphQLArgumentDefinition
) -> Bool func isRequiredInputField(InputObjectFieldDefinition
) -> Bool func map(from: Any?
) throws -> Map func parse(instrumentation: Instrumentation, source: Source, noLocation: Bool
) throws -> Document Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a Document. Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.
func parse(instrumentation: Instrumentation, source: String, noLocation: Bool
) throws -> Document Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a Document. Throws GraphQLError if a syntax error is encountered.
func print(ast: Node
) -> String Converts an AST into a string, using one set of reasonable formatting rules.
func resolveField(exeContext: ExecutionContext, parentType: GraphQLObjectType, source: Any, fieldASTs: [Field], path: IndexPath
) throws -> Future<Any?> Resolves the field on the given source object. In particular, this figures out the value that the field returns by calling its resolve func, then calls completeValue to complete promises, serialize scalars, or execute the sub-selection-set for objects.
func validate(instrumentation: Instrumentation, schema: GraphQLSchema, ast: Document
) -> [GraphQLError] Implements the “Validation” section of the spec.
func validate(instrumentation: Instrumentation, schema: GraphQLSchema, ast: Document, rules: [(ValidationContext) -> Visitor]
) -> [GraphQLError] Implements the “Validation” section of the spec.
func valueFromASTUntyped(valueAST: Value, variables: [String : Map]
) throws -> Map Produces a JavaScript value given a GraphQL Value AST.