import SWXMLHash
Module information
- Declarations
- 149
- Symbols
- 181
import SWXMLHash
protocol XMLAttributeDeserializable
Provides XMLAttribute deserialization / type transformation support
protocol XMLContent : CustomStringConvertible
Models content for an XML doc, whether it is text or XML
protocol XMLElementDeserializable
Provides XMLElement deserialization / type transformation support
protocol XMLObjectDeserialization
Provides XMLIndexer deserialization / type transformation support
protocol XMLValueDeserialization : XMLAttributeDeserializable, XMLElementDeserializable
This protocol implements both XMLAttributeDeserializable and XMLElementDeserializable meaning that it can be used to easily provide custom deserialization for your types.
class IndexOp
Represents an indexed operation against a lazily parsed XMLIndexer
class IndexOps
Represents a collection of IndexOp
instances. Provides a means of iterating them to find a match in a lazily parsed XMLIndexer
enum IndexingError
Error type that is thrown when an indexing or parsing operation fails.
struct ParsingError
class TextElement
Models a text element
struct XMLAttribute
enum XMLDeserializationError
The error that is thrown if there is a problem with deserialization
class XMLElement
Models an XML element, including name, text and attributes
struct XMLElementSendable
class XMLHash
Simple XML parser
class XMLHashOptions
Parser options
enum XMLIndexer
Returned from XMLHash, allows easy element lookup into XML data.
typealias XMLHashXMLElement = XMLElement