import SwiftHttp
Module information
- Declarations
- 436
- Symbols
- 461
import SwiftHttp
protocol HttpClient
Abstract HttpClient protocol
protocol HttpCodablePipelineCollection
A collection of built-in request pipelines, raw, encodable, decodable, codable
protocol HttpDataDecoder
A generic HTTP data decoder
protocol HttpDataEncoder
Encodes an encodable object into a HTTP data representation
protocol HttpRequest
A HttpRequest representation
protocol HttpRequestPipeline
Abstract HTTP request pipeline
protocol HttpRequestTransformer
A request transformer that is capable of transforming the request data or add extra header values
protocol HttpResponse
A generic HttpResponse object
protocol HttpResponseTransformer
Transforms a given response into a decodable object and validates it upfront
protocol HttpResponseValidator
A generic response validator protocol
struct HttpCodablePipeline<T, U> where T : Encodable, U : Decodable
A fully Codable HTTP request pipeline, where the req body is encodable and the response is decodable
struct HttpDecodablePipeline<U> where U : Decodable
A decodable pipeline workflow, to decode a value from the response
struct HttpEncodablePipeline<T> where T : Encodable
An encodable pipeline can be used to send an encodable object as a request body
enum HttpError
A generic error object to transfer HTTP related error messages
struct HttpHeaderKey
Type safe header key wrapper
struct HttpHeaderValidator
Validates a header value using a key and a validation block
enum HttpMethod
Common HTTP methods
struct HttpRawPipeline
A raw pipeline can be used to send an recieve raw body data values
struct HttpRawRequest
A HTTP request with a raw body data
struct HttpRawResponse
A HTTP response object with a raw data value
struct HttpRequestEncoder<T> where T : Encodable
A request encoder that can transform an encodable object into a request body and add headers to the request
struct HttpResponseDecoder<T> where T : Decodable
A response decoder that can transform the body data into a decodable object and validate the response
struct HttpResponseValidation
Validates a HttpResponse using an array of validators
enum HttpStatusCode
Common HTTP status codes
struct HttpStatusCodeValidator
Validates a status code using an expected value
struct HttpUrl
A wrapper to store and manipulate URLs in a safer way
struct UrlSessionHttpClient
Default URLSession based implementation of the HttpClient protocol