import JSONWebToken
Module information
- Declarations
- 157
- Symbols
- 157
import JSONWebToken
func validateClaims(claims: JWTRegisteredFieldsClaims, expectedIssuer: String? = nil, expectedAudience: String? = nil) throws
protocol Claim
Protocol representing a claim within a JWT.
protocol JWTRegisteredClaim : Claim
Protocol representing a registered claim within a JWT.
protocol JWTRegisteredFieldsClaims
is a protocol defining the standard claims typically included in a JWT. Conforming types can represent the payload of a JWT, encompassing both registered claim names and custom claims.
struct ArrayClaim
Represents an array claim within a JWT.
struct ArrayElementClaim
Represents an element within an array claim.
struct AudienceClaim
Represents the “aud” (audience) claim in a JWT.
struct BoolClaim
Represents a boolean claim within a JWT.
struct ClaimElement
Represents a claim element used within JWTs.
struct DateClaim
Represents a date claim within a JWT.
struct DefaultJWTClaimsImpl
is a struct implementing the JWTRegisteredFieldsClaims
protocol, providing a default set of claims.
struct ExpirationTimeClaim
Represents the “exp” (expiration time) claim in a JWT.
struct IssuedAtClaim
Represents the “iat” (issued at) claim in a JWT.
struct IssuerClaim
Represents the “iss” (issuer) claim in a JWT.
@resultBuilder struct JWTClaimsBuilder
A result builder for constructing JWT claims.
struct JWTIdentifierClaim
Represents the “jti” (JWT ID) claim in a JWT.
struct NotBeforeClaim
Represents the “nbf” (not before) claim in a JWT.
struct NumberClaim
Represents a numeric claim within a JWT.
struct ObjectClaim
Represents an object claim within a JWT.
struct StringClaim
Represents a string claim within a JWT.
struct SubjectClaim
Represents the “sub” (subject) claim in a JWT.
import JSONWebAlgorithms
import JSONWebEncryption
import JSONWebKey
import JSONWebSignature
import Tools
import jose_swift
Welcome to the jose-swift library documentation. The jose-swift
library provides comprehensive support for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) standards, including JSON Web Token (JWT), JSON Web Signature (JWS), and JSON Web Encryption (JWE). This library enables developers to create, sign, verify, and encrypt JWTs with ease.