Library Modulebeatt83.jose-swift 4.0.2JSONWebAlgorithms


import JSONWebAlgorithms

Module information



81.5 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are fully documented10.3 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are indirectly documented8.2 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are completely undocumented


29.3 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are initializers, type members, or enum cases43.9 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are instance members3.7 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are protocols6.4 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are protocol requirements16.7 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are structures


100.0 percent of the declarations in JSONWebAlgorithms are unrestricted
Module stats and coverage details




  • struct AES128GCM

    AES128GCM provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-128-GCM.

  • struct AES192GCM

    AES192GCM provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-192-GCM.

  • struct AES256GCM

    AES256GCM provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-256-GCM.

  • struct AESCBC_SHA<H>

    AESCBC_SHA provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-CBC with an HMAC for authentication.

  • struct AESCBC_SHA256

    AESCBC_SHA256 provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-CBC with SHA-256 for authentication.

  • struct AESCBC_SHA384

    AESCBC_SHA384 provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-CBC with SHA-384 for authentication.

  • struct AESCBC_SHA512

    AESCBC_SHA512 provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-CBC with SHA-512 for authentication.

  • struct AESGCM

    AESGCM provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode).

  • struct C20P

    C20P provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm.

  • struct ConcatKDF<H>

    The Concat Key Derivation Function (KDF), as defined in Section 5.8.1 of NIST.800-56A

  • enum ConcatKDFError

    An enumeration that represents the possible errors that can occur during the Concat KDF key derivation.

  • enum ContentCompressionAlgorithm

    ContentCompressionAlgorithm is an enumeration representing the supported content compression algorithms.

  • enum ContentEncryptionAlgorithm

    ContentEncryptionAlgorithm is an enumeration representing the supported content encryption algorithms.

  • enum ContentEncryptionArguments

    ContentEncryptionArguments is an enumeration defining additional arguments that can be used in content encryption processes.

  • struct ContentEncryptionResult

    ContentEncryptionResult is a struct representing the result of an encryption operation.

  • enum CryptoError

    CryptoError is an enumeration representing various errors that can occur in cryptographic operations.

  • struct Curve25519KeyGeneration

    Curve25519KeyGeneration provides methods to generate random keys, private keys, and key pairs in JWK format for Curve25519.

  • struct DataKey
  • struct ECDH1PU

    ECDH1PU provides methods to process a shared key using ECDH-1PU (Ephemeral Static Diffie-Hellman over One-Pass Unified Model).

  • struct ECDHES

    ECDHES provides methods to process a shared key using ECDH-ES (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static).

  • enum KeyDerivationArguments

    Enumerates possible arguments for key derivation processes.

  • struct KeyEncriptionResultMetadata

    KeyEncriptionResultMetadata is a struct representing the metadata of a key encryption result.

  • enum KeyEncryptionArguments

    KeyEncryptionArguments is an enumeration defining additional arguments that can be used in key encryption processes.

  • enum KeyGenerationPurpose

    KeyGenerationPurpose is an enumeration representing the intended purpose of a generated key.

  • enum KeyManagementAlgorithm

    Supported JWE cryptographic algorithms for key management.

  • struct P256KeyGeneration

    P256KeyGeneration provides methods to generate random keys, private keys, and key pairs in JWK format for P-256.

  • struct P384KeyGeneration

    P384KeyGeneration provides methods to generate random keys, private keys, and key pairs in JWK format for P-384.

  • struct P521KeyGeneration

    P521KeyGeneration provides methods to generate random keys, private keys, and key pairs in JWK format for P-521.

  • struct RSA15KeyUnwrap

    RSA15KeyUnwrap provides methods to decrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5.

  • struct RSA15KeyWrapper

    RSA15KeyWrapper provides methods to encrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5.

  • struct RSAOAEP256KeyUnwrap

    RSAOAEP256KeyUnwrap provides methods to decrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-OAEP with SHA-256.

  • struct RSAOAEP256KeyWrapper

    RSAOAEP256KeyWrapper provides methods to encrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-OAEP with SHA-256.

  • struct RSAOAEPKeyUnwrap

    RSAOAEPKeyUnwrap provides methods to decrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-OAEP with SHA-1.

  • struct RSAOAEPKeyWrapper

    RSAOAEPKeyWrapper provides methods to encrypt content encryption keys (CEKs) using RSAES-OAEP with SHA-1.

  • struct SecKeyExtended
  • struct Secp256k1KeyGeneration

    Secp256k1KeyGeneration provides methods to generate random keys, private keys, and key pairs in JWK format for secp256k1.

  • struct SecureRandom

    SecureRandom provides functionalities to generate cryptographically secure random data.

  • struct XC20P

    XC20P provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm.

  • struct Zip

    Zip provides methods to compress and decompress data using zlib.

Other modules

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  • JSONWebKey

  • JSONWebSignature

  • JSONWebToken

  • Tools

  • jose-swift

    Welcome to the jose-swift library documentation. The jose-swift library provides comprehensive support for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) standards, including JSON Web Token (JWT), JSON Web Signature (JWS), and JSON Web Encryption (JWE). This library enables developers to create, sign, verify, and encrypt JWTs with ease.